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Specific legal notes for investment funds and SICAV

(please read the following warnings and the acceptance conditions at the end)

These specific legal notes for investment funds and SICAV supplement the generic legal notes, which we would also ask you to read carefully. By accessing the Cornèr Bank site and in particular the web pages dedicated to the investment funds and SICAV, you expressly declare that you have read, understood and accepted the generic legal notes and the following specific legal notes.

Restrictions on distribution
The content of the respective information pages is intended only for persons domiciled and/or resident in the countries in which the investment funds or the SICAV sub-funds are registered for distribution. Persons who do not satisfy these requirements must not access these pages.

No offer
The information and opinions contained in the pages of the site and in the material contained therein do not constitute an invitation or an offer or a recommendation to purchase or sell securities or financial instruments or advice or financial services or transactions of any kind whatsoever.

No undertaking
Cornèr Bank LTD. makes all reasonable efforts to obtain information it believes to be reliable. However, it does not give any guarantee that the information and opinions contained in the site and/or in the newsletters sent after subscription to the relevant service are accurate, complete, correct and truthful. Said information and opinions may be amended at any time without notice. Consequently, the information and opinions contained in the site and/or newsletters are provided for information purposes only and do not in any way constitute investment, legal or fiscal advice or advice of any kind. In any event, persons who access the site may not rely on the information and opinions contained in the site to make any investment or take any other decision. We suggest you speak to your financial adviser before making any investment decision. Consequently, the information and opinions contained in the site are provided without any express or implied guarantee.

Information on risks
The prices of the units of an investment fund or the shares of a SICAV and the income distributed in respect of those units or shares may fluctuate, because equity and money markets are generally volatile. A positive performance in the past is not a guarantee of a positive performance in the future. The redemption value of units may be lower than the initial investment value. Investments in foreign currencies may fluctuate in value owing to fluctuations in exchange rates. The equity markets and economies of developing countries often fluctuate significantly in value. Consequently, there is a higher level of risk associated with investments in investment funds with sub-funds investing in those markets. It may be impossible to realise an investment immediately and you may encounter temporary difficulties in selling it, realising the profits or obtaining accurate information as to its value or the degree of risk. Before making any investment in the funds on this site, you must carefully read the prospectus, any appendices and the warnings contained therein.

No guarantee
Cornèr Bank has no responsibility and provides no guarantee on the functioning of its web site neither assures that these shall not suffer from any interruption or may be error exempt, that possible errors shall be corrected or that the website or the servers used to make these publicly available are free of viruses or other potentially dangerous components.

Exclusion of liability
In no circumstances, including negligence, may Cornèr Bank LTD be held liable for any damage of any kind, whether direct or indirect, arising out of or in relation to the access to, use of, services of, browsing or linking from and to other sites.

I confirm that I have read, understood and accept the above warnings and that I am domiciled and/or resident in the countries in which the investment funds or the SICAV are registered.