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Use of the website

Merely viewing this website does not make the user a customer of Cornèr Bank Ltd. (hereinafter the "Bank") and does not create any obligation or liability of the Bank towards such users.

The user is aware that using the computer and Internet exposes him or her to a number of risks, including the possibility of computer viruses infecting the user's information system unbeknownst to him or her and the risk of third parties being able to send messages to the customer in the guise of representatives of the Bank.

The user therefore assumes full liability arising in relation to technical access to the Bank's services and is responsible for purchasing, installing and configuring appropriate hardware and software in order to set up the connection with the Bank's online services.

The Bank shall not be liable for any actions of the access provider or for any software and/or hardware that it has not supplied itself.

Verification of identity

Before initiating any new business relationship, the Bank has an obligation to verify the identity of the prospective customers.

If the website is used to subscribe for the product (digital channel), the Bank offers clients the option of identifying themselves by online video through a video identification service provided in collaboration with the provider Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd (hereinafter "Swisscom").

When the video identification process is performed, a secure connection is set up between the user's devices (computer, smartphone or tablet) and the Swisscom servers.

The user is aware when using the video identification service that any personal data supplied to the Bank will be forwarded to Swisscom, which will incorporate that data into the video identification procedures provided.

The user therefore authorizes the Bank to transmit such data to Swisscom, thereby relieving the Bank of its obligations to maintain banking secrecy (and of any other legal or contractual confidentiality requirement).

Transmission of data

The customer is aware of and acknowledges the fact that data relating to him is transmitted via open and generally public networks (the Internet), which are not encrypted. Accordingly, data is transmitted in a regular and unmonitored manner, including outside the borders of Switzerland, even in cases where the sender and the recipient are both based in Switzerland. Even if data is encrypted, this encryption may not extend to the sender or the recipient; and this fact could lead third parties to infer the identity of the sender and the recipient. The Bank accepts no liability for this.


The works of authorship contained in this website, including but not limited to all design, text and images, are owned, except as otherwise expressly stated, by Cornèr Bank Ltd. and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, displayed, performed, distributed, rented, sublicensed, altered, stored for subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without the prior written consent of Cornèr Bank Ltd.


Information regarding data protection provisions is available at the following link: Privacy Policy | Cornèr (