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Call of the giants


The Elephant Parade Swiss Edition 2024 is travelling through Switzerland, featuring Cornèlius.

They are majestic, they are intelligent, they are empathetic and loyal. Elephants are creatures of superlatives and play a central role in our ecosystem. Without them, we risk losing a multitude of other animal species. The social enterprise «Elephant Parade» has been committed to the protection of endangered Asian elephants for years. And they do so not only with success but also with an extraordinary and unique concept.

Cornèr Bank supports this wonderful project with a specially created elephant sculpture named «Cornèlius» and is proud to contribute to the long-term protection of elephants and the preservation of their fragile habitats. At the same time, this initiative symbolizes the Cornèr Bank's commitment to the enduring respect for all living beings, as it is deeply committed to passing on its values from one generation to the next.

A matter of heart

In 2006, during a vacation in Thailand, Dutchman Marc Spits happened to visit an elephant hospital in Chiang Mai. There, he met a 7-month-old elephant baby named Mosha (the name translates to «Star»), who was in terrible health. Mosha had lost a leg after stepping on a landmine in Burma. This deeply moved Marc Spits, and he decided to help this suffering elephant by providing a prosthetic leg. Together with his son Mike, a marketing specialist, he developed a concept to primarily save Mosha through donations via art and additionally raise global awareness about the threat to Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).

No sooner said than done. The visionary duo, Marc and Mike Spits, founded the social enterprise «Elephant Parade» in the same year. The name itself was indicative of their mission: organizing regular open-air traveling exhibitions, where 1.5-meter-tall elephant statues adorn public city spaces and, with their striking presence, highlight the necessity of elephant conservation. Marc and Mike Spits approached businesspeople, various artists, and other famous personalities to see if they would be interested in designing an elephant. Enthused by the charitable and artistic nature of the initiative, responses were quick to follow.

The first «Elephant Parade» took place in 2007 in Rotterdam, the hometown of founder Marc Spits, and immediately garnered significant attention. According to Rotterdam's mayor, the 50 colorful elephant sculptures became the most photographed event of all time. Numerous other exhibitions followed in cities such as Copenhagen, Milan, Singapore, Hong Kong, London, Rio de Janeiro, and Las Vegas. As regal as elephants are in nature, so is the list of artists who have designed their own sculptures. Over the years, participants have included Bryan Adams, Céline Dion, Ronald Ventura, Elizabeth Hurley, Khloe Kardashian, King Frederik X of Denmark, Katy Perry, Richard Branson, and many more.

Endangered giants

From the very beginning, the primary focus for father and son Spits was not just the rescue of the injured Mosha. They wanted to create a global movement to advocate for the protection of these magnificent giants and prevent their extinction. Asian elephants have lived on the Asian continent for thousands of years and are thus an important part of life in Thailand. For Thai Buddhists, these giants are a symbol of strength, luck, and intelligence. However, with progress and the consequent development of rural areas, the conflict between humans and elephants has intensified.

Habitat destruction, poaching, and captivity have led to the threat to Asian elephants. Over the last century, their natural habitat has shrunk by 95%, and their population has decreased by 90%. With only around 35,000 remaining, the existence of these gentle giants is at stake. Elephants, often referred to as the «gardeners of the Earth», play a central role in our ecosystem and support numerous plant and animal species. Without them, we risk losing a multitude of other species as well.

In early 2020, the species of Asian elephants was added to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A portion of the proceeds from the Elephant Parade exhibitions supports numerous projects dedicated to protecting elephants and their habitats.

Elephant Parade Swiss Edition 2024

After 2020, the annual «Elephant Parade» returns to Switzerland. The dazzling elephant herd was hosted at Zurich Airport from 17 February to 1st April 2024. The next destinations are Lugano (6 August to 30 August 2024), Ascona (3 September to 1st October 2024) and St. Gallen (3 October to 27 October 2024). Elephants designed by Phil Collins, Paul Roberts, Paul Smith, Nicola Smith, Neo-Pop artist Romero Britto, as well as promising talents from all over Switzerland such as Drüegg, Momo, and many more, will be on display. The result is a colorful exhibition featuring whimsical, thoughtful, vain, shy, and magnificent elephants, whose messages touch the heart.

Cornèlius is trotting through Switzerland alongside his companions. After the end of the Elephant Parade Swiss Edition 2024 tour, he will move into his permanent home in Lugano, where he can be admired at the headquarters of Cornèr Bank.

Win an original Cornèlius piggy bank

As part of the Elephant Parade Swiss Edition 2024, Cornèr Bank is giving away 100 x 1 Cornèlius piggy banks in the ultimate Cornèlius design. Each elephant is hand-painted, certified, and numbered. So be sure to participate. It's worth it. Good luck!